Rajasthan Accounts Service (R.Ac.S.) formed in 1954, is a premier state service of Rajasthan state having over all cadre strength of 1371 officers. The cadre consists of Higher Super Time Scale, Super Time Scale, Selection Scale, Senior Scale and Junior/ Ordinary scale with officers of the Service posted in all Government departments, government undertakings, autonomous bodies, Urban Local Bodies and Panchayati Raj institutions etc. and managing their financial administration. The officers of the cadre are known for their knowledge, wisdom and integrity; and are considered as watch dogs of the state exchequer. The members of the service working at higher levels of the government set-up render consultation support regarding maintenance of the financial discipline, to the heads of departments or institutions and administrative Secretaries, as the case may be. The administrative control of RAcS cadre is with the Finance department of the state.